MOM is a short film that questions how our decision making in daily life can be improved, negotiated and controlled by an AI-based smart system in near future. The film narrates various possible situations that might happen when a person is living with a highly interactive energy optimization system with a mother’s personality and when the system is connected with other neighbors' systems to manage entire community's power usage.
MOM is an advanced version of smart grid system which monitors occupant's energy consumption behaviors in real-time at home. It is connected with appliances such as TV, coffee maker, and fridge and aims to help users to use less energy and save money on power bill.

The system interacts with users through a speaker installed in the house using voice user interface. Based on an AI algorithm and personified interaction design, it is intended to form a more intimate relationship with users and encourage them to follow more suggestions. A user can adjust a tone of MOM’s way of speaking and level of its strictness. For example, Tom’s MOM system is set to very gentle, but its strictness level is high. On the other hand, Amy’s MOM system is less gentle and strict than Tom’s.

In the film, based on a network of a smart city, all MOMs in a community are connected and share each user's energy usage data.

Collaboration with QiYuan Li and Claire Yang
My contribution to the project: ideation, research, screen writing, directing, prototyping
Tom by Philip Rodriguez
Amy by Dawn Bower
Sarah by Sarah Beaver
MOM(voice) by Donna Renae